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Why do people choose to forget? Doctor Who The Beast Below reaction

Writer: DragoNateDragoNate

It seems people often can't handle the truth. Or they think the truth is worse than it is. And no one wants to live with it.

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18:37 Outro

Why do people choose to forget? Doctor Who The Beast Below reaction.

The Doctor visits Starship UK with Amy Pond & immediately starts acting weird. He finds out the starship doesn't have an engine but the city is built on top of a star whale. The last star whale of its species. The truth here, that no one talks about, is that, when the Earth was burning, they captured the star whale, built their city on it & tortured it to keep it moving forver. Now, when peoplea re given the choice to forget this information or protest, everyone chooses to forget. In reality, the start whale volunteered to help them. They never needed to torture it.

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Doctor Who was suggested for me to watch & react to by a friend. It is another sciencey show that I have never watched before. I enjoyed the first episode, so if this becomes a series, I'll be happy to have you along for the ride! Don't expect this bottom text to change in each video though or at all from this first one :D

Look! It changed! I'm loving Doctor Who! This is definitely a keeper series. Happy to have you all along for the ride!

It changed again! We're on the second season now & this particular episode, specifically, did NOT end in such a sad way! How marvelous! You won't know which particular, specific, exact episode I'm talking about because again, I'll forget to change this end-of-the-description text for who-knows-how-long! Have fun!

Person with headphones looks surprised, covering mouth. "Doctor Who" text in red. Green dragon scale background with digital distortion.


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