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They used a girl's brain as a computer Silence in the Library Doctor Who reaction Forest of the Dead

Writer: DragoNateDragoNate

Updated: Feb 2

Count the shadows. Be afraid of the dark. The Vashta Nerada are in the dark. Donna Noble has been saved.

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0:00 Intro

40:20 Outro

They used a girl's brain as a computer Silence in the Library Doctor Who reaction Forest of the Dead.

Doctor Donna go to The Library. The biggest library in the universe. They don't know it yet, but the copmuter at the core of The Library is run largely by a little girl's brain. Terrifying. However, nobody exists in the library. Apparently, 100 years prior, things went horribly wrong where the darkness attacked people. The darkness was the Vashta Nerada, piranhas of the air. Very soon, River Song shows up & it turns out she's known The Doctor all her life, but this is the first time he meets her. So things get wibbly wobbly timey wimey. Anyway, the vashta nerada start attacking them one by one & when The Doctor teleports Donna, she gets digitalized & saved to the computer's hard drive. Donna Noble has been saved. I'm just thankful Donna didn't die! This was a weird episode 2 parter. Very weird, but very interesting & very fun.

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Doctor Who was suggested for me to watch & react to by a friend. It is another sciencey show that I have never watched before. I enjoyed the first episode, so if this becomes a series, I'll be happy to have you along for the ride! Don't expect this bottom text to change in each video though or at all from this first one :D

Look! It changed! I'm loving Doctor Who! This is definitely a keeper series. Happy to have you all along for the ride!

It changed again! We're on the second season now & this particular episode, specifically, did NOT end in such a sad way! How marvelous! You won't know which particular, specific, exact episode I'm talking about because again, I'll forget to change this end-of-the-description text for who-knows-how-long! Have fun!

Man with headphones in front of a colorful background featuring a "Doctor Who" sign and pixelated face. Green and blue tones dominate.


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