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The Time of the Doctor's death was old age - 12th Doctor reaction

Writer's picture: DragoNateDragoNate

The Doctor died of old age protecting Trenzalore from the Daleks.

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0:00 intro

35:52 end

Doctor Who S7 The Time of the Doctor

From IMDB:

The Doctor's worst enemies, The Daleks, The Cybermen, The Angels and The Silence, return, as the doctor's eleventh life comes to a close, and his twelfth life begins.

Orbiting a quiet backwater planet, the massed forces of the universe's deadliest species gather, drawn to a mysterious message that echoes out to the stars - and amongst them, the Doctor. Rescuing Clara from a family Christmas dinner, the Time Lord and his best friend must learn what this enigmatic signal means for his own fate and that of the universe.—Anonymous

A mysterious message echoes throughout all of time and space from an unknown planet while Clara prepares for Christmas dinner and invents a boyfriend for her family. The Doctor meets Clara's family while naked and Clara is the only one who can see his hologram clothes - apparently you can't go to church with your clothes on if church is the Papal Mainframe of the universe or something. Oh and the turkey isn't even close to finished so it gets cooked in the time vortex while The Doctor and Clara visit the unknown planet in a town called Christmas with a truth field emanating from the tower in the middle of town so no one can lie. The message is from Gallifrey and is a question: Doctor Who? If he answers and speaks his name, the Timelords will come back through the crack in time and the Time War will begin anew with all the universes races there to attack. The Doctor decides not to answer at all and stays to protect the people of the planet from the Daleks and other enemies who wish to burn the planet and kill the Doctor to stop the Timelords. This is Trenzalore. So the Doctor stays for Christmas and stays for 300 years which was just enough time for the turkey to finish. The Doctor tricked Clara into going back home once, she held onto the TARDIS to come back 300 years later then he tricked her into going back home again with the turkey while he stayed even longer. Tasha Lem returns to collect Clara so the Doctor didn't have to die alone in his old age. But Clara convinced the Timelords to help him and they gave him new regeneration power which was enough to destroy the Daleks! Then he regenerates to the 12th Doctor, Peter Capaldi.

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Doctor Who was suggested for me to watch & react to by a friend. It is another sciencey show that I have never watched before. I enjoyed the first episode, so if this becomes a series, I'll be happy to have you along for the ride! Don't expect this bottom text to change in each video though or at all from this first one :D

Look! It changed! I'm loving Doctor Who! This is definitely a keeper series. Happy to have you all along for the ride!

It changed again! We're on the second season now & this particular episode, specifically, did NOT end in such a sad way! How marvelous! You won't know which particular, specific, exact episode I'm talking about because again, I'll forget to change this end-of-the-description text for who-knows-how-long! Have fun!

Oh look I haven't updated the description since season 2 and now we're on season 7! Lovin' it! Exciting first episode. Been 4 months since season 6 ended...sorry. Computer died, depression, existential crisis, business & new laptop/Windows 11 BS... but here we are!

Oh look, end of video description being updated September 1st 2024 - Been another 4 months or so from the last reaction lol, I went to Europe for 2 weeks, was busy and emotional when I got back and now finally getting back to Doctor Who reactions! No one reads the description but let me know if you do and notice this update in the comments lol.

A person wearing headphones and glasses in a cinema. Background shows bright abstract art. "Doctor Who" logo at the bottom.


© '2K something to infinity and beyond' by DragoNate

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