The afterlife is REAL and the Master is now the Mistress.
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0:00 intro
0:32 Dark Water
30:18 end (Dark Water)
31:02 Death in Heaven
41:37 How is the Master alive?
43:07 resume (Death in Heaven)
43:40 another pause
43:59 resume
45:15 Cybermen science discussion
46:14 3W easter egg
46:50 resume
1:09:08 unsatisfying ending
1:09:34 Santa Claus visits the Doctor
1:10:05 Doctor Who series 8 END
Doctor Who S8 Dark Water + Death in Heaven
Doctor Who Dark Water opens with Clara Oswald calling Danny Pink and telling him to shut up so she can tell him she loves him. He responds casually and she demands him to say it like he means it. Danny doesn't respond and shortly after some other woman speaks on the phone and informs her Danny died, hit by a car. Distraught, Clara attempts to deceive the Doctor, collecting all his spare TARDIS keys, telling him to go to a volcano, then putting a sleep patch on his neck. He wakes up to Clara threatening to destroy the TARDIS keys by throwing them in the volcano if he says "no" to her demands to go back in time and prevent Danny Pink from dying. This will cause a paradox, of course, but Clara doesn't care. It turns out the sleep patch doesn't work on the Doctor and he actually pulled an Uno reverse card using it on her instead to see what her intent was. So Clara betrayed the Doctor. Clara asks what they do now and the Doctor responds "Go to Hell." So they do - or they at least attempt to go to the afterlife, which is a company called 3W (3 words: "Don't cremate me!") and fins suspicious water holding skeletons of the wealthy deceased. Danny calls Clara from the Nethersphere, a Gallifreyan hard drive, where his consciousness has been uploaded along with the rest of the human race and the Doctor meets Missy, short for Mistress, who turns out to be the Master, regenerated as a female. Cybermen activate and spread into the city. Kate Stewart interferes at the beginning of Death in Heaven and captures both the Master and the Doctor and then names the Doctor 'President of Earth'. Missy wanted to create a Cybermen army for the Doctor but he refuses and gives the control to Cyberman Danny Pink who resists the obedience and destroys all the Cybermen, saving the Earth. Then the Master/Missy/Mistress dies. Danny could have come back from the dead but saved the life of a boy he killed as a soldier many years ago instead. The Doctor goes looking for Gallifrey at the coordinates given by the Mistress but it's not there. Both the Doctor and Clara lie to each other about things and decide to say goodbye and stop travelling together.
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End of description changed entirely from previous videos, it made the description WAY too long, I was hitting my character limits for the describing the show in great detail above (no I'm not using "AI" to write those descriptions, I literally type them out by hand...
Doctor Who Series 8 is basically finished and there's no lack of my enjoyment watching (besides how long editing takes me and the fact I'm often up until 3am or later to finish editing and uploading because I'm a lazy arse who can't edit the video throughout the week instead because I apparently don't have my own life apparently or I just can't manage time well and get distracted easily)
Too much complaining at the end of the description? Good thing no one reads descriptions!