I watched 3 episodes today, The Empty Child & The Doctor Dances, then finished with Boom Town.
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0:00 Intro
0:06 #TheEmptyChild
12:32 #TheDoctorDances
27:48 #BoomTown
38:46 End
Just this once everybody lives Doctor Who The Empty Child reaction.
The Empty Child starts off where Rose & The Doctor are chasing some device through times. Turns out there's some kind named Jack who was a Time Agent that threw it at them & tried to con them. They learn of some plague that's causing physical injuries. The conclusion in The Doctor Dances has us learn that these nano genes were hiding inside that device, which was an ambulance. The nano genes repaired a little boy but since they've never seen a human before, they didn't know what the boy should look like. Jack had no clue about the nano genes being there, but he's the one who released them. Then he takes off, multiple times, but kept coming back to save them. I still don't trust him. Still, just this once everybody lives.
In Boom Town, one of the aliens from The Aliens of London episode didn't die, she teleported away. But she was back to try and build a nuclear power plant to destroy the city/world & allow her to get back home. She spared one woman because that woman was pregnant. At the end, she became an egg to start over again. Mickey is upset with Rose & they find out that Bad Wolf are 2 words that have been following them around everywhere they go so far!
#DoctorWho #DoctorWhoReaction #DoctorWhoJack #DoctorWhoBoomTown #DragoNate #DragoNateReaction #DoctorWhoEmptyChild
-Doctor Who reactions: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy0EzovB5V3TrbNnV_qTmEWFemlfbmMEs&playnext=1&index=1
-Rick And Morty reactions: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy0EzovB5V3RlrJjbR4t9BLgXb96MI4xS&playnext=1&index=1
-One Piece reactions: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy0EzovB5V3SOdOMzY4c2zQlBg0BTZiSN&playnext=1&index=1
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Keep calm & DragoN
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Doctor Who was suggested for me to watch & react to by a friend. It is another sciencey show that I have never watched before. I enjoyed the first episode, so if this becomes a series, I'll be happy to have you along for the ride! Don't expect this bottom text to change in each video though or at all from this first one :D
Look! It changed! I'm loving Doctor Who! This is definitely a keeper series. Happy to have you all along for the ride!