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Writer's pictureDragoNate

Grunge textures are a thing?

So I'm constantly looking through free stock picture sites, mainly Pixabay, for use in thumbnails and other graphic designs. Every once in a while, I go on Pixabay to look for something specific, but in the results, some image catches my eye. From then on, it's like looking at memes; I can spend 30 minutes looking for related images & I'll download pretty much all of them because they're freaking pretty & I can use them for desktop wallpapers or possibly for some video thumbnails or video background designs. Today, while updating content and design here on my website, I found in Wix's library something called a "grunge blackboard transparent" and I really liked it! I looked up "grunge" on Pixabay God. 20 minutes down the drain looking for transparent (or able-to-be-made-transparent) textured images. Now I have to go through all the images I downloaded & create a new folder for them. My brain just got filled with tons of potential ideas for using them too, so that makes me kinda happy.

Anyway, this is just another random blog post for something random I felt like sharing. Thanks for reading!


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