Somehow the Master is back and Davros, creator of the Daleks is dying.
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0:00 intro
0:13 The Magician's Apprentice
30:24 end
Doctor Who S9 The Magician's Apprentice begins with a mixed technology war, there are archers and laser guns. The planet is desolate and a lost kid is running through the battlefield. He stops, surrounded by hand mines that grab you and pull you into the shadow realm. Trapped, the boy calls out for help. The Doctor arrives, throwing his sonic screwdriver towards the boy to create an acoustic tunnel. There's a 1 in 1000 chance the boy will survive but the Doctor tells him to focus on the 1, that's all you ever need. The Doctor asks the boy's name, he answers: Davros.
Colony Sarff, a snake-man, searches for the Doctor with a message from Davros: Tell the Doctor, Davros knows. Davros remembers. Tell him he must face Davros one last time. Davros, Creator of the Daleks, Dark Lord of Skaro, is dying.
Clara is in her classroom, teaching, but gets distracted by an unmoving plane in the sky. All the planes across the entire world are frozen in time. UNIT calls Clara and no one can find the Doctor. They get a message from Missy. Surprise, the Master is back. Again. Not dead. WITH NO EXPLANATION. She's holding the planes hostage to make Clara help her find the Doctor. Missy shows the Doctor's confession dial which means he believes he's going to die tomorrow and she needs Clara to help find him. Clara convinces Missy to let the planes go in exchange and they do find him. Missy time travels both of them to him in the medieval times. Colony Sarff appears again and demands the Doctor COME to face Davros. Clara and Missy demand they go as well, against the Doctor's wishes. They teleport and travel to Davros on a "space ship" hospital or something but the gravity is perfectly normal, not artificial. They're on a planet. Skaro, planet of the Daleks. The Daleks have the TARDIS and plan to destroy it. Missy tries to convince them not to while the Doctor watches in horror but the Daleks exterminate her. Next, the Daleks exterminate Clara as she tries to run away. They destroy the TARDIS as well and the Doctor is distraught. The episode ends with the Doctor going back in time to Davros as a child stuck on the battlefield, appearing to exterminate him with the eye stalk of a Dalek.
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End of description changed entirely from previous videos, it made the description WAY too long, I was hitting my character limits for the describing the show in great detail above (no I'm not using "AI" to write those descriptions, I literally type them out by hand...
Doctor Who Series 8 is basically finished and there's no lack of my enjoyment watching (besides how long editing takes me and the fact I'm often up until 3am or later to finish editing and uploading because I'm a lazy arse who can't edit the video throughout the week instead because I apparently don't have my own life apparently or I just can't manage time well and get distracted easily)
Too much complaining at the end of the description? Good thing no one reads descriptions!