And an elderly woman abuses her adult daughter ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Doctor Who S7 E12
From IMDB:
The Doctor and Clara arrive in 19th century Yorkshire where moral crusader Mrs Gillyflower is recruiting beautiful people for her idyllic garden city. At the same time rigid corpses dyed red are piling up and the brother of one of the victims seeks help from Madame Vastra. She and her party travel to Yorkshire where they rescue The Doctor and Clara from the clutches of Mrs Gillyflower. They discover that the woman is a fanatical exponent of ethnic cleansing who plans to do away with those who do not meet her standards - even her daughter Ada. The Doctor and his allies set out to stop her and her reclusive partner in crime Mr. Sweet.—don @ minifie-1
The ending is my favorite part when Ada goes after her mother with her blind cane after learning her mother was responsible for the abuse and blindness she suffered. And then a bit later in the end when Ada beats the crap out of the prehistoric parasite Mr. Sweet lol!
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Doctor Who was suggested for me to watch & react to by a friend. It is another sciencey show that I have never watched before. I enjoyed the first episode, so if this becomes a series, I'll be happy to have you along for the ride! Don't expect this bottom text to change in each video though or at all from this first one :D
Look! It changed! I'm loving Doctor Who! This is definitely a keeper series. Happy to have you all along for the ride!
It changed again! We're on the second season now & this particular episode, specifically, did NOT end in such a sad way! How marvelous! You won't know which particular, specific, exact episode I'm talking about because again, I'll forget to change this end-of-the-description text for who-knows-how-long! Have fun!
Oh look I haven't updated the description since season 2 and now we're on season 7! Lovin' it! Exciting first episode. Been 4 months since season 6 ended...sorry. Computer died, depression, existential crisis, business & new laptop/Windows 11 BS... but here we are!
Oh look, end of video description being updated September 1st 2024 - Been another 4 months or so from the last reaction lol, I went to Europe for 2 weeks, was busy and emotional when I got back and now finally getting back to Doctor Who reactions! No one reads the description but let me know if you do and notice this update in the comments lol.